Beta Version

I Love Ruby Because ..


…both of these are true (which make it an object-oriented language, in contrast to a class-oriented one)

Class.is_a? Object # => true
Object.is_a? Class # => true

Everything is an object, and method call is a hummer

Everything is an Object, and All Code is Executed and Has a self :)

You can touch, feel and play with her - pragmatically!

Easy to Learn, Easy to write and with powerful Rails

... a syntax can be sexy, Ruby proved that !

It's so fun. Easy to write, easy to read. Has a great community behind and so many cool features.

it's clean and intuitive syntax makes it a joy to read and write code, fostering a more enjoyable programming experience compare to other languages and have tons of gems and libraries available that empower developers to quickly add powerful functionality to their apps :)

duck typing =

How many projects out there that use ruby? I want to get in, but all i hear are people saying they love it, no one producing much. First big ruby project i see is discourse. are there any other?


It is extremely eazy to get started with.

Ruby gives me +2 Hipster cred.

class LoveLetter < Letter
  def self.write
    puts "I Love Ruby"

I love ruby because...server side JavaScript sucks.

Ruby freed me up from being a mindless government drone!